Food & Drink Recipes

7 Days of Protein Packed Breakfast Smoothies

If there’s one thing I learned from my Breakfast experiment last year, it was that a protein packed breakfast will keep you full much longer than anything else. For a long time I wasn’t a breakfast eater as I found I got hungry quicker if I ate first thing, but recently I’ve discovered that eating

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

4 Fitness Habits You’ll Never Catch Me Doing (and 3 I Plan to Try)

Yeah I know, never say never, I mean just 2 years ago I’d have laughed in your face if you’d told me I’d be running a Half Marathon at all, let alone gearing up to start training for my second, and if you’d told me in April last year that I’d be spending a large

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Food & Drink

A Week in Food

Well, I promised to keep a record of what I ate for a week, and come back and share. So here I am! In some ways this was a very atypical week for me. It featured no travel, and a couple of events so my diet was correspondingly a little random. I can spot things

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Dear Diary

Dear Diary – January

January Stats… Start Weight: 11st 9lb Weight Now: 11 st 6lb Monthly Loss: 3lb Total loss: 12lb Waist: 29.75″ Miles Run: 45.1 Average Distance per run:1.4 Well, Janathon is over, but of course, it’s not all about the running of a mile a day. I have weight to lose and January has been a difficult

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

Dealing with Christmas….

I suppose I have to face up to the approach of Christmas and inevitable weight gain it brings. In years past I’ve managed to gain as much as half a stone over Christmas, other years it’s just been a couple of pounds. The entire interweb is awash with articles telling you how to not gain

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