January 19, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Fitness & Health

#Janathon Day 31 – VICTORY IS MINE!

It’s 10pm at night, and the reason tonights post is so late is that I had a 5 hour snowy drive to Manchester, and then dinner, and now I am finally settling down for my final installment of Janathon.

Because of the long drive, and the fact that I had to be at our training venue for a coaching meeting at 11am anyway, I swapped my regular B team training session and joined in with the All Stars for their earlier session at 12-2pm.

Of course, the rush to get out of practice and head off to Manchester meant I forgot to take photos at training. Such an idiot. So have a final day of Janathon car selfie instead!


I loved todays practice, it was nice to be taken out of my comfort zone a little bit. Warm up was fast and tiring, and I’m so sick of always being the slowest, but the we moved on to some wall drills doing “amoeba” blocking in a 3 wall holding back a jammer, and then my first ever attempt at apex jumps and pirouetting around a blocker on the line. I can’t say I absolutely nailed those skills, but it was good to be able to give them a try, and I didn’t actually stuff them up, which felt good!

After 2 hours of practice I dragged my sweaty self out and into the car in a rush to head off up north, where instead of a nice restful day off after Janathon I will be attending a 6 hour boot camp with Rainy City Roller girls.


So I made it through another Janathon, nowhere near as tough as the first one personally OR weather wise, but pretty tiring none the less!

I definitely plan to take a couple of days off early next week, or maybe just one. Variety is the spice of life, and actually I’ve really enjoyed this Janathon, I’ve enjoyed being active every day and I’ve enjoyed varying my work outs, from gym, to skating, to running and yoga.

Now I’m off to celebrate with a Jim Beam Honey and Ginger Ale, did you know they do that in CANS?

My Janathon Stats!

Miles Run: 20
Time on skates: 21 Hours
Swims: 2
Gym Visits:6
Yoga queen: 6 times, I’m too lazy to go back and count properly. Might be more!
Steps Walked: 225,920
Random niggles: 5 (at least)


Personal Trainer, blogger, red lipstick wearer and Cocktail drinker. Learning to enjoy the journey.


  • skinnedcartree February 1, 2015

    Woo, congrats for completing this. I’ve been following your posts throughout most of the month. I’ve also exercised every day during January which is a great achievement for me – I’ve always been very off and on with exercise but I’ve managed to be pretty consistent since November. Woo!

    Have a nice weekend.

    Corinne x

  • thewellbeingadventure1 February 1, 2015

    Congratulations! I’ve really enjoyed reading your posts and following your Jonathan journey. You did so well!
    Jenny x

  • Rebecca Goodyear February 2, 2015

    Congratulations on your fabulous fitness stats! Impressive! x

  • Adrienne February 3, 2015

    I salute you! #Janathon looks like a lot of fun (& hard work) x

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