Hi! Happy Sunday and all that!
How are you? Well, I hope? I have a busy Sunday planned, I’m heading out to take a look around a couple of craft fairs in a bit, and then this evening I’m going on a Weird Norfolk walk around the city to take in some spooky tales.
But before that, we’ll have a little look at a kind of busy week just gone!
This week I……
Went Nuts in TK Maxx
It was an accident, I swear.
One second I thought, I’ll just treat myself to a candle. The next second I was the proud owner of 4 candles, some Halloween Pug tea towels and a Halloween cake tin.
It was totally worth it.
Had afternoon Cocktails
AND it was work. Yes folks, it’s that time of year again and Norwich Cocktail Week is BACK which means for the next 3 weeks I have to drink (and photograph) lots of Cocktails and call it work.
To be honest it does get a bit tiring after a while, but somehow I soldier on.
This week we paid a visit to a couple of new bars, The Wildman and Bills Restaurant, where we had some delicious tortillas to wash down our Cocktails.

Got a Good Letter from the Hospital
This is one for those of you who are loosely following the story of my high blood pressure, and the subsequent discovery that I had a condition called Fibromuscular Dysplasia in the arteries to my kidneys.
This story started with a Bupa health check back in March 2018. After many scans and hospital appointments my Consultant had been super keen for me to have an angiogram and potential angioplasty. An invasive procedure with potential side effects that include, er, ruptured arteries and death.
I was less keen on the procedure.
After much discussion back and forth, and me putting off having the angiogram that they were SO KEEN I have, this week I finally got a letter that I liked.
Basically it says that he has reviewed my scans properly with a radiologist, and reviewed the literature on FMD, and decided actually I don’t need an angiogram at all and I should just keep taking the tablets. So yay!
That was worth a full year of stressing then!

Rode my Bike to Tesco
I was going to ride my bike to the gym, but my session was cancelled before I got there, so I only made it as far as Tesco.
This weekend there are a few social rides that I had initially considered going on, but the times I’ve taken the bike out this week make me think I’m not quite ready to ride with other people just yet.
I’m really enjoying having it, but I do still have to get off and push it round corners, and I panic when I see a car coming and have to get off and walk then too.
I’ve borrowed the bike as part of a collaboration with the Pushing Ahead “Borrow a Bike” scheme. So again, technically this is an ad, but this particular little segment is totally voluntary!

Had a Mini Oktoberfest
Back in 2015 we went to Munich for actual Oktoberfest and I would absolutely love to go back.
Until funds and time allow, however, an excellent alternative is the Oktoberfest that a pub near me runs every year over the first weekend.
On Friday night (when technically the Munich Oktoberfest hasn’t started yet) we popped out with the Pugs in their little Oktoberfest bandanas for a beer and pretzel.
Then on Saturday night it was time to head out proper for litre Steins of German beer, bratwurst and Oompah music as the brass band played outside.
Genuinely one of the highlights of my year!

And that was another week in my life.
How was your week?