What Are You Wearing? Deco Details
Fashion & Beauty

What Are You Wearing? Deco Details

Todays outfit is once again bought to you from the bedroom of a Holiday Inn.

I’ve worn this a few times now, but this is the first time I’ve got round to photographing it for an outfit post. I really like it with my new hair cut as I think it has a really 1930s feel.

❤ Blouse - Vintage Eastex via a Charity Shop ❤ Pencil Skirt - Lady K Loves ❤
❤ Lace Up Brogues - New Look ❤

The blouse is probably 1980s, it’s certainly not an original 30s blouse, but I really like the deco spot fabric and detail on the collar.

I’ll also give you a closer peek at my hair, even though it’s a bit of a mess. I just received my copy of Style Me Vintage and couldn’t resist having a quick go at it’s step by step instructions for creating finger waves. It was a *very* quick go, and I only had kirby grips to keep the waves in place, so they’re not very deep. I pin curled the ends quickly, and I actually did it yesterday, so this is day 2 hair.

Fleur de Guerre first mentioned the book on Diary of a Vintage Girl and I bought it with the intention of reviewing it, so keep your eyes peeled over the next couple of weeks as I hope to try out a few more style before reviewing it. If you can’t wait, I’ve already added it to my book shop.


  • Wendy November 3, 2010

    gorgeous! That skirt has been added to my things I really want list.

    • Retro Chick November 3, 2010

      I wear this skirt so much, I’m scared of it dying!

  • Fashion Limbo November 3, 2010

    Gotta love polka dots, and your hair simply looks great. Loving how Holiday Inn is becoming a fixture of your outfit posts.
    Seriously, every time I see one of these posts you make I suddenly feel so under-dressed 😛

    • Retro Chick November 3, 2010


      You have to know those orange Holiday Inn curtains and sofas as well as you know the picture wall and gramophone in my house!

      Must be more imaginative with locations!

  • Penny Dreadful Vintage November 3, 2010

    This is why people shouldn’t be so scared of longer skirts – you look so chic and elegant. The blouse is fab too x

  • The French Maid November 3, 2010

    You are to adorable! Don’t know how you found my blog, but thanks for the follow. I’m following you back and will visit your delightful blog often!
    –Lee Ann

  • Mim November 3, 2010

    Love that blouse! The different sizes of dots make it stand out.

  • Hanna November 3, 2010

    LOve this outfit! Your skirt is perfect!


  • Fiona - Notorious Kitsch November 3, 2010

    Great new hairdo! Well done on the waves.

  • LandGirl1980 November 3, 2010

    See. Now. My day 2 hair is shocking. Hence the planned (but scared of) hair cut next week. I need less weight on it and it might stay.
    If thats a “quick” go at finger waves from the book – then I can’t wait to see a full on go! Looks lovely as it is 🙂

  • Emma at Daily Clothes Fix November 3, 2010

    I liked the blouse when I saw the first photo – I love it even more after seeing the close-up shots. Dots and mini-dots. Cute.

  • bunny November 4, 2010

    I also bought “Style me vintage” after reading Fleur’s blog. I met Belinda in her beautyful shop and I also will try something soon.

    By the way I love your outfit there and also your fingerwaves!!!


  • Angela Deaton November 4, 2010

    I think I have now officially given up on the sites too! Thats my decision!! LOL
    I love your outfit posts!!!
    Esp this one and you right it goes PERFECTLY with your new hair!!


  • Lady Cherry November 6, 2010

    I love the shirt too. Hmm, I need a new pair of shoes after a lift killed the pair I usually wear (long story), will check NL out. I have got a dark red polka dot dress on but my hair dresser has done my hair in what i think is a twenties style, so am going to change into something a bit more authentic before I got out, although I don’t do drop waists!! x

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