I say Snow day, but in reality it’s more like a snow week.
Norwich has been under snow now since last Monday, and as of this morning there was about 6″ outside. I’m getting a little tired now of only being able to wear the one pair of boots I own with grip on the soles. Especially since shortly “pre snow” I took delivery of 2 very lovely pairs of shoes that I just can’t wear.
For todays snow outfit I appear to have inadvertantly dressed as an Edwardian woman. Though my primary interest was warmth.
β€ Hat – Vintage via a Charity Shop β€ Blouse – vintage via Magpie in Leamington Spa β€
β€ Skirt – M&S via a Charity Shop β€ Boots – Hush Puppies β€
The skirt is wool, and brilliantly warm, the blouse I bought this weekend in Leamington Spa (more on that later this week!) It’s a little too big, but seeing as this outfit was actually just for comfort and warmth to travel in I thought it didn’t really matter. I just love the colour, it’s such a rich purple and only cost Β£5.
The hat I am wearing mostly because it won’t fit in my suitcase without squashing. It’s black velvet, probably late 50s I think, with an interesting twisted design at the front. Best of all it was only Β£3.99 in a Charity Shop in Banbury. A Charity Shop that was also selling some hideous Polyester 80s monstrosity for Β£19.99 with the word “vintage” scrawled on the label. Hmmm……
The snow is so nice and deep and fresh that I even indulged in some snowball throwing. I do not do snowball throwing, and I think that the reason is clear. People are in very little danger of being hit by me, as I think can be seen from these photos. I throw like an idiot. Though that may be doing a disservice as I am sure there are many, many idiots out there that are perfectly capable of hitting someone with a snowball, in fact I’m sure there are, which is why I’ve never been much of a thrower of snowballs.
Β The idiots hit me, I am incapable of hitting them back.
Lets pretend it’s because my mind is on higher things (like when I can wear my new leopard print stillettos without falling on my bottom and breaking a leg)
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