This Week I….
Dear Diary

This Week I….

Hello! Welcome to a rainy Sunday. At least, it’s a rainy Sunday here, it may not be where you are. It is rainy enough here that Peppa decided that despite the door being open she’d much rather poo on the floor inside, if it’s all the same. So that was a fun discovery this morning. We then had to carry them out of the house for a quick morning walk. These Pugs are not fans of rain.

The rest of my day is going to consist of terrible TV and pyjamas, but first, this week I…..

Was on the BBC

Last week I bought you my This Week I…. from my phone in the middle of a noisy sports hall in Stoke on Trent. Later that day I achieved something that to be honest it never would have occurred to me to make a life goal because I would have thought that it certainly didn’t fit the Achievable or Realistic aspects of a SMART goal. I played in a competitive sports match that was broadcast live on the BBC.

Having achieved promotion the day before, the final was between us and Rebellion for first and second place. The game started close, but we hit a few bumps along the way and in the end they just outplayed us and we lost.

I can’t say I wasn’t sad, we played our little Roller Derby hearts out that weekend and we had a disappointing result, but we finished second in the whole of Tier 2. That’s something we hadn’t expected at the start of the season, or even going into Playoffs weekend, so it’s hard to stay sad for long!

Had a burger

I played a really tough game, then got in the car at 6:30pm for a 5 hour drive home in the rain.

I had terrible helmet hair, I was sweaty, I was tired, and just a little bit emotional, and I wanted food. So we pulled off at the first burger place we spotted.

Big mistake.

It seems that everyone else in the Stoke on Trent area had the same plan. The car park was completely gridlocked, there were no parking spaces and we couldn’t get in or out. So instead of having a burger we spent half an hour sat in a car park, before finally getting back on the road.

2 hours later we stopped somewhere else. It was much quieter, and me and my manky helmet hair and sweaty face finally got a burger.

Didn’t take a day off

The post playoffs comedown is tough. Last year I took a day off after to help get over it. This year I can’t really afford a day off right now, so instead, I got home at midnight, then got up at 7:30 on Monday morning to collect the Pugs from the sitter and went straight to work.

Basically, I spent the entire of Monday-Thursday feeling sorry for myself. I was bruised, my back hurt, for the first 2 days I couldn’t lift my arms and I was mentally drained.

So I was working, but I felt very woe is me about it.

I should have just taken a day off.

Went to a Store Launch

Once I’d stopped feeling sorry for myself I put some lipstick on and dragged myself out on a windy Friday night to go to an event.

One of my favourite local brands, Lisa Angel, has opened a shiny new store in Chapelfield shopping centre. Their other store is in the Norwich Lanes, an arty area full of independent shops, so it’s exciting to see them opening in the more mainstream shopping centre.

I love their stuff, my favourite pair of earrings is from there. See, I’m wearing them here.

They do fabulous jewellery and personalised gifts and I think they have such a broad appeal their new shop will do amazingly well.

I had a lovely Adnams gin, ate some brownies, mentally compiled my wish list, and then went home with a cute goodie bag containing a personalised scarf which will be VERY handy, considering the current weather!

Drank a Lot of Beer

On this day 3 years ago I was in Munich for Oktoberfest. Considering I can’t afford to go back this year, the next best thing was to pop round the corner to our local pub that has the most amazing Oktoberfest celebration over 3 days.

The staff wear lederhosen and dirndl, they sell bratwurst and currywurst, and there is a specially built bar selling imported German Oktoberfest beers in actual litre steins. We sat outside and listened to the brass band. Drank an ill-advised amount of beer and then tottered off home. It was a great way to round off a pretty lazy week for me!

Next week I shall be slowly returning to normal life, doing some actual exercise and eating some food that isn’t cheese.

How was your week?

1 Comment

  • rings90 September 23, 2018

    Wait, there’s food that isn’t CHEESE?!….. Being from Wisconsin, I don’t think that’s possible.

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