Well hello! I am reliably informed that it’s Sunday, but my days are definitely reaching that blurring together phase of lockdown, so actually who the hell knows?
Today’s plans include eating a roast dinner and sitting on the sofa under a blanket reading magazines. Both excellent uses of a sunny Sunday, but seeing as picnics are off the menu that’s all I have.
But first, let’s fill you in on another exciting lockdown week. This week I…..
Went on a Scavenger Hunt
Last Sunday we took part in a Gish Mini Hunt. Gish is normally a week long event involving lots of scavenger hunt type tasks, some quite complex. Last Sunday they put on a special one-day lockdown edition that we roped our respective families into taking part in.
Balancing something on my chin turned out not to be a skill I had. But refrigerator organising turned out to be strangely satisfying and I still find this photo very soothing.

There were also several tasks to undertake over Zoom with other members of our team.
Mr LLL made what I’m sure you’ll agree is a stunning replica of Christ the Redeemer, and his Mum and Dad produced a knitted Henry the Hoover and a couch carved from a potato
My Parents made a stunning video of my Mother delivering a newspaper on a child’s bike and produced this wonderful companion made of household items a la Castaway.

There may well be another mini GIsh in a few weeks, so if you need entertaining take a look.
Made Scones
Not me, Mr LLL. I do not bake, lockdown or no lockdown
These were cheese scones, they were tasty and I ate them all.
These may be the last scones he ever makes as we are now our of flour and the Sainsbury’s website is denying it’s ever even heard of flour now. Flour, what’s that? Did you mean flower? Here buy some daffodils.

Did some organising
Hey, I thought, if I sort out these boxes in the bottom of my cupboard I’ll have more space to put stuff.
It took me about 20 minutes to really wish I’d never started this foolish endeavour. I like the stuff better when it was hidden in a cupboard than spread all over the floor.
Srsly, like why I do even have so many scarves?

And that’s just the ones I decided to keep, there was a pile just as big to get rid of. So after 3 hours, during which I found a vintage dress that I wore to wedding in 2009 and that fell apart in an in un-mendable way that same evening (why do I still have it?). I now do have more space, but I also have a big bag of stuff to get rid of and all the charity shops are shut so I have to keep stepping over it. Fun.
Went on a Pub Crawl
Starved of pub based entertainment we decided to organise a pub crawl in our own house.
It was actually even more fun than I thought it would be, we organised 3 bars each and kept them a surprise from each other.
Mr LLL transformed the garden into a German beer garden, the bedroom into a Tiki bar and the office into a traditional boozer, complete with home made dartboard. We are both bad at darts and there are now holes in our wall.
My efforts included a kitchen tequila bar, dining room Irish pub and turning the front room into our local where we have wine of the week served in a plastic bag cooler that I bought specially.
It was a great way to spend a Saturday, highly recommended lockdown fun.
And that was another week in my life.
How was your week?
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