Sunday again. How time flies when you’re absolutely not having fun anymore because all the fun stuff is just too scary right now.
Thanks for checking in again. It’s always nice to see you here, I like that there are other people in the world who enjoy seeing little snippets of other peoples normal lives that don’t involve trips to the Maldives or designer shopping.
Today I am heading off to the park for work, before preparing a delicious vegetarian roast dinner and probably having a bit of a sit down because I feel sleepy today.
But first, this week I…..
Ate my dinner in the park
We did this a few weeks ago, then on Monday night I was feeling antsy and tired of looking at the same 4 walls in my house. However not quite antsy enough to want to go to a pub again. so instead we impulsively stuck our dinner into plastic containers and walked up to the park to eat it on a picnic bench.
This time we took the Pugs which was slightly less relaxing as they wanted to eat our dinner too, but they enjoyed the impromptu night out as well.

Got visited by a dog
Bonus of doing PT sessions outdoors. Occasional visits from cute waggy dogs who want to see what you’re up to.

Nearly had to move house
On Wednesday night I was sat peacefully in bed drinking my hot chocolate when a HUGE spider ran across the bedroom floor and came to a stop by one of the storage boxes under the bed.
I called Mr LLL with dire warnings that if he didn’t get here soon and the spider ran under the bed we would have to move house, or at the very least check into a hotel for the night until we’d had chance to burn the room down to make sure it was gone.
Me and the spider stared at each other in terror for what seemed like an age. Both apparently scared that the other one would move. Then Mr LLL snuck up behind it with a glass and relocated it to the outside. It was like the scene in Jurassic Park where the Velociraptors distract their prey while the others sweep in from the side. Thankfully we were the Velociraptors and I didn’t get pincered by 2 even bigger spiders during the stand off.
And no, there is no photo of the spider. Who does that?
Ordered booze
I ordered wine, that was delivered, not an exciting story.
Then on Thursday night I fancied a beer while we had a Zoom Pub Quiz with friends. At 7:31pm I decided to order some nice beers from BeerDrop, a local beer delivery that has sprung up over lockdown offering delivery within 1 hour.
At 7:37 it arrived at my door.
That’s SIX MINUTES. I’m not sure I could have even got my shoes on to walk to the corner shop in 6 minutes, let alone receive an order, select the 6 random beers that person had ordered, insert them into a funky can holder thing and then take them to their front door.
I am still mystified as to how it got here so fast.
And yes, this is probably the most exciting story I have this week.

Went for a stroll
I’ve never been one for long country walks really, but over the last couple of weeks I’ve started going out with Mr LLL and I’ve really enjoyed it.
I might even get some proper shoes so I don’t have to walk in my gym kit!
This week we walked 11 miles around the fields and lanes of Barnham Broom.

It started off a little chilly, then it slowly warmed up to become muggy and hot, before bucketing it down with rain for 20 minutes and then returning to blazing sunshine. So pretty much a classic British July day then.
During the sudden rain shower we were conveniently close to a dairy that sold raw milk, so we took shelter in their little honesty shop, and bought some raw milk from their exciting automatic dispenser. I’ve never had raw milk before, it was delicious, but I can’t tell you if it was much better than normal whole milk as I don’t really drink that very often either.

The warning sign that told me this milk might contain harmful organisms did make drinking a pint of milk feel a bit like taking part in an extreme sport though. Who needs base jumping?
And that was another week in my life. I promise to try and do something more exciting next week. I have a haircut booked, my first one for 6 months, so it doesn’t get a lot more exciting than that right now I’d say.
How was your week?
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