It’s Sunday again, how these roll around so fast I don’t know.
It’s been a very warm few days, but thankfully there seems to be a bit of a nice breeze today so I’m hoping that it won’t be so oppressive I can hardly breathe. I’ve got a client session in the park and then literally no plans at all, apart from watching Netflix and eating left over pizza, so a pleasant Sunday afternoon beckons.
But first, this week I…..
Went to the Pub
Once a fortnight feels like enough right now, just for a change of scenery. Again we went to a pub round the corner from our house, but this time we sat INSIDE.
We sat inside because actually the beer garden was quite busy, and also because one of the groups in that beer garden had a very angry dog that kept barking at our dogs.
So instead we sat inside in a side room, we were the only people in the room and we sat by the window and shared a bottle of wine before heading home. It was nice.
Not exciting, but nice!

Had my last event cancelled
I remember starting 2020 with such optimism. I’d planned to take part in #12in12, booking myself into as many events as were open for registration at the start of the year, with others lined up to sign up when they opened.
I did Snetterton 10k in January and TW Half in February, then my March event was virtual, and my already booked April and July events moved to the autumn.
Recently Run Norwich cancelled its rescheduled October date, and then finally this week the Forest of Light cancelled its rescheduled September date. Other events have cancelled completely or gone virtual before entries even opened.
I’m sad, but not surprised.
I have actually completed an event every month, they’ve just been virtual and I had to buy my own bananas.
I wonder whether next year will be different?
Got Another Medal
All my events might be cancelled, but this week a medal arrived for the Virtual Race to the Stones I completed in July. 26.2 miles in a week, probably my highest weekly mileage ever.

Excuse my shouting but this was VERY EXCITING.
I last had a haircut on the 6th February. I had one booked for the 19th March, but considering the advice at the time I rescheduled it for April, and we all know what happened next.
That means it’s been 6 months instead of 6 weeks between haircuts.
With a couple of home fringe trims it looked ok right up till around the end of June I think, then there was tipping point into straggly and disgusting awfulness.

It was also pretty much first trip into the City since restrictions started to ease. I found it very stressful being around so many people, so it’s not something I’ll be repeating anytime soon, but it was worth it!
It was also an absurdly hot day, so spending an hour in a mask was a touch warm, but it feels SO GOOD to have my hair back again!

Drank too much caffeine
(And vodka)
This weeks fun Zoom activity with friends started as a hilarious conversation during a virtual beer festival. We thought we should have a vodka and Red Bull festival and compare the extensive range of energy drinks available that absolutely should not be mixed with alcohol by responsible grown ups.
So we did. We bought some cans (not all caffeine containing as it happens!) we bought some vodka and we made special festival glasses and then spent Saturday afternoon getting tipsy over Zoom.
It was very pleasant to be irresponsible for a few hours.
Then I ordered pizza instead of preparing the delicious healthy dinner I had planned. It was great.

I absolutely do not recommend the excessive consumption of energy drinks or alcohol, but I do recommend remembering to keep up with your friends that live far away, even when you’re allowed to meet up with the ones that live close again.
And that was another week in my socially distant life.
How was your week?