Category: Dear Diary

  • This Week I……

    This Week I……

    Good morning and welcome to Storm Dennis. I’m writing this on Saturday afternoon listening to the wind whistle and pondering whether I will actually be running a Half Marathon at the point this publishes or whether I’ll be swimming it. Who knows. But whatever happens today will be next week as news. First, this week…

  • This Week I …..

    This Week I …..

    Good afternoon! I’m a bit late today because I’ve been busy listening to storm ciara rattling round my house and watching Justice League on Prime. Still, better late than never. This week I …. Broke down on a roundabout I briefly mentioned this last week, but it seems worthy of telling the whole story. Ever…

  • This Week I…,

    This Week I…,

    Well, good afternoon! I’m actually finishing this off sat in the car by the side of the road as we’ve just managed to spectacularly run out of petrol on a roundabout. It SAID there was 27 miles range left, which considering were on our way to the petrol station should have been plenty, but apparently…

  • This Week I…..

    This Week I…..

    Good morning! Yes, I know, last week there was no This Week I…. I was inundated with worried emails demanding to know whether I’d done anything exciting like gone out for coffee (not true, no one cared). There were 2 reasons last week was missing, the first was that on Sunday morning I was running…

  • This Week I …..

    This Week I …..

    Good morning! How’s January being treating you? I’m still fighting off the last sniffles of the horrible cold I had at New Year and trying to balance rest, so I can recover, with ALL THE STUFF I HAVE TO DO! Today is one if those logistically complex days, which involves me training a client at…

  • This week I….

    This week I….

    Hello and welcome to a shiny new year and decade. Mine hasn’t started as appallingly as that year I had food poisoning, but I have had a stinking cold for the last few days. The imminent death feeling has now faded leaving me with just the above the neck snotty nose and headache, so I…

  • This Week I…..

    This Week I…..

    Hey there, it’s a cold wet Sunday 3 days before Christmas and I’ve just got back from a run and am writing this very cold and still wearing my Christmas leggings. Today might hopefully be the day I finally put up some Christmas decorations, if I can be bothered to peel myself off the sofa,…

  • This Week I

    This Week I

    Well hi, I hope you’re all hanging in there. It’ll be Christmas soon and we can all spend 3 days eating and drinking ourselves into a stupor before we have to face the real world again. Today I have a busy day. I’m off to the gym to meet a client. Then heading off to…

  • This Week I…..

    This Week I…..

    Hi there! How’s things? I genuinely can’t believe we’re so far into December already. Where does the time go? Etc, etc. My Sunday this week consists of a client session at the gym, then rewarding myself with a trip to TK Maxx in the hope that they have some candles I can waste my money…