This Week I……

Hi there, ā€œhappyā€ 1 year lockdown-aversary.

Technically I think itā€™s Tuesday that marks the 1-year anniversary of us all being told to stay at home. But they shut the pubs and gyms on the Friday and considering those were pretty much the only places I went, this is close enough.

So, itā€™s been a weird year huh?

1 very exciting thing happened this week, but otherwise there was a whole load of staying at home happening. So before I commence with the traditional ā€œsitting on the sofa doing nothingā€ (actually catching on the Drag Race Uk final) for the rest of my day. This week I….

Got a Motherā€™s Day card

From the Pugs. It was the same as last years. Apparently Pugs donā€™t have very good memories, or handwriting.

Had Cake for Breakfast

Actually it was a delicious home made protein mug brownie that my first ever PT client bought to our session to celebrate our 2 year PT-aversary.

I was very touched and then I stuffed myself with cake while making him jump around and do exercise. Fair trade off I think.

Found a welly

Sorry, I take it back, this was an exciting week after all.

How did this child get home with only 1 welly?

Had my first vaccine


On Monday I was on an online client training session when a little message pinged up on my screen inviting me to book my vaccine.

I did a little excited dance that involved spinning, and on Tuesday afternoon I went and had a very efficiently organised vaccine.

I videoed it for posterity which I think they thought was a bit weird, but nevermind.

The very next day the headlines announced they had asked trusts to stop vaccinating under 50s if they had spare vaccines, so I feel very lucky to have got mine considering my asthma isnā€™t quite bad enough to land me in group 6.

Drank some beer

It was a beer filled week.

Wednesday was St Patrickā€™s Day. The day that marks the 1 year anniversary of the first time I took cleaning wipes to the pub to clean my glass. So this year we drank a Guinness at home and I turned the dining room lights green because I have a stupidly expensive light bulb that changes colour.

Then on Friday night we had a Zoom meet up with some friends to watch Pig Racing (fluffy, wind up pigs, for the record) and drink the Beer52 Irish craft beers weā€™d all ordered.

We also wrote our own quiz and we all did very badly and realised why we are normally a quiz team.

Started Falling Apart

Itā€™s official guys, I think I might be actually falling apart. The end of this week has seen an extremely irritating resurgence of my bad back, just when I was getting all confident that it was improving. Hopefully just another bump in the road.

Not only that, but Iā€™ve had 2 nose bleeds this week. I used to get nose bleeds regularly, I was convinced it was to do with my blood pressure but the Doctor said no, it definitely wasnā€™t that and I probably didnā€™t have high blood pressure at all I was just stressed at the surgery, which I wasnā€™t.

Then it turned out I DID have high blood pressure after all (which is a whole other saga) and I went on medication and I hadnā€™t had a nose bleed since. Until the apocalypse happened, and I had a couple. Then nothing, then this week Iā€™ve had 2.

That probably means my blood pressure is creeping up again, so Iā€™ll have to monitor that and maybe eat some dark chocolate or something.

So basically Iā€™m falling apart. Yay! Remember this time last year when I was running 10 miles for ā€œfunā€ *sigh*

Life is full of ups and downs and Iā€™m sure this time next year Iā€™ll be going ā€œhey, remember when I was falling apart?ā€

And that was another exciting week in my life.

How was your week?

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