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Dear Diary

Au Revoir November

When Monday dawns it will be December, and, of course, the start of the Retro Chick Advent Calendar! With just 2 days left of November it’s time for what seems to be becoming a regular look back over the month that was, courtesy of a few carefully chosen snaps from my Instagram. In November I

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Dear Diary

Christmas Starts Here…….

It’s time to take some action. For some reason this year I haven’t felt that festive thrill just yet. Now, you might not think that weird, seeing as it’s only November. However, I’m normally a person who starts feeling festive somewhere around late October, and it’s only a sense of social appropriateness that stops me

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Norwich Half Marathon 2014

As I sit here writing I have my curtains half drawn to stop the sun hitting my eyes, what a dramatic difference from yesterday! Last years Norwich Half Marathon was my first one. I trained hard for 3 months, ran to raise money for Parkinsons UK and raised over £740. Once I was done I

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Fashion & Beauty

On 7 Years of Self Employment

Today is the day I mark as the anniversary of the day I became self employed. It was actually about a week ago that I walked out on the job from hell but today was the first entry on my accounting spreadsheet, so it’s the day I count as “officially self employed”. So to celebrate,

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

On Starting Again and the Power of Perseverance

2 and a half years ago I started climbing a mountain. I came back from a holiday and suddenly realised that over 3 years I had gained 2 stone. I did little exercise apart from walking into town to go to the pub occasionally or a half hearted go at the Wi Fit and I

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Food & Drink

Oh No! Not More Cocktails!

I’m so sorry, I know I promised you no more Cocktails. But these ones were FREE, which is the best kind of cocktail, and they came with dinner thrown in too and it is an actual rule in my life never to turn down a free cocktail. Really On Saturday, after that long drive back

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Travel & Events

A Trip Up North

Last week was my Wedding Anniversary. I say “my”, it was of course “our” as without Mr Chick there would have been no wedding, but that looked weird when I wrote it as an opening line as normally this blog is about ME ME ME, of course. Well, each year Mr Chick and I take

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Fashion & Beauty

Being Blonde: Products for Blonde Hair

I kind of went blonde gradually. But even taking that into account I’ve had very light blonde bleached hair now for for nearly 2 years, apart from a few forays into pastels and my recent vibrant pinks and purples. My hair is naturally a dark muddy blonde and I colour my hair myself at home

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Inspiration & Lifestyle

Why Are You Here?

Apparently blogs are dead, and no one wants to read them anymore. So why are you here? Back at the end of October I read this article on IFB about the death of Fashion Blogging based on some information from a BlogHer survey, and I thought “hey, I should write about that”, but then I

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