I’ll be honest, I didn’t really want to write this post today.
I didn’t have a bad week. I just didn’t enjoy a lot of it and I’m feeling a bit sorry for myself at the moment.
I use the depo-provera contraceptive injection, which I have every 10 weeks instead of 12, because I get the most unbearable mood swings and anxiety after about 8 weeks (see hormonal mess). It’s due next Thursday, so that hasn’t helped, but mostly I think I’m just tired and grumpy.
But anyway, that’s enough woe is me whinging from someone who really had a perfectly nice week. This afternoon I plan to stay inside with the curtains drawn to escape the incessantly nice bank holiday weather (that’s not normal, right?). I might put some of my shoes on the £3 shoe rack I just splashed out on in a charity shop.
But first, this week I……
Had a Sensible Lunch
LAST time I went out with my friend Tasha, aka The Continental Fox and my Pilates teacher, we drank an absurd amount of Christmas cocktails and gave ourselves very sore heads.
THIS time we were both very sensible, had a couple of glasses of Prosecco over a tasty lunch and then switched to mocktails which we drank in the sunshine with ice cream Sundaes.
We felt very smug and grown-up.
We both spend large chunks of our day in gym kit these days. When we met Tasha was a burlesque dancer and I was a vintage blogger, and while we both still do these things, now Tasha is also a Pilates teacher and I am a personal trainer so we enjoyed the lunchtime chance to put on some nice clothes and be glamorous without giving ourselves horrible hangovers to enjoy at the gym the next day.
How lovely.
Just wait, at Christmas it’ll all be Cocktails though…..

Became a Crazy Lady
In one of my least favourite stories of the week. I irrationally lost my mind and started shouting at strangers in the park.
It started innocently. I have some blouses I’d promised to get photos of for Heyday Vintage Style. I’d had them a while and it had just been too hot, or I hadn’t had time to get the photos. So I persuaded Mr LLL to drive over to a nearby park to grab some pictures.
I had to take 2 outfit changes, which was a bit of a faff as the toilets in the cafe were closed, and I was feeling a bit hot and flustered as I posed for photos when I started to hear some people on the other side of the park taking the mickey.
If you’ve ever taken outfit photos in a public place, this happens occasionally, and I normally just ignore them. They were laughing and shouting things like “Sashay Away”, and as I did things like walk along the path and sit on a bench I could hear them saying “walk a bit, yeah that’s right, now sit down for a while”. They seemed to be getting louder and louder, like they were worried I couldn’t hear them as they were so far away and I was getting more and more irritated, then something just snapped. I shouted at them to f**k off, grabbed my stuff and stormed off in a huff leaving a cloud of insults and swear words behind me.
I was furious, I was shaking, and I started crying. I don’t know why I was quite so upset. Then I realised that I’d left one of my vintage scarves behind and Mr LLL went back to get it for me.
As he did he was confronted by the people who insisted they didn’t know why I was shouting at them, as they said they’d just been laughing and shouting at their kids playing.
I have no idea if this was true or not, Mr LLL insists it sounds like it was. I wouldn’t go back and talk to them properly as by this point they were now screaming at ME across the park telling me I was “disgusting” and “up my own arse” and basically being all fighty and “come on then” and I was in floods of tears and in no way wanted to get into a stand-up row in the middle of a public park.
I suspect if they had been shouting at me they would have just taken my shouting and swearing as evidence that they had now won. So yeah, I’m probably the crazy lady who randomly shouts at innocent people having an afternoon in the park. I didn’t mean to be and I’ve been consumed with crippling anxiety about it for most of the week, so I’m sure that would make them feel better if they knew.
Before the storm…..

Found Another Tree with a Face
On a lighter note. Remember a few weeks ago we found a tree with a face?
This week we found another one. The whole tree didn’t have a face, just one of its roots sticking out of the ground, that gave me the impression it had been trapping passers-by that were now trying to escape, which was quite creepy.
See. Face.

Started Planning for Christmas
Yes, because August is in no way too early to plan December activities, this week my Mum booked us all tickets to go and see the Thursford Christmas Spectacular for her December birthday.
I last went to Thursford back in 2013, and after 6 years I feel I’ve sufficiently recovered from the Christmas sand-blasting to face it again. Honestly, it’s taken that long. I’ve never seen so much Christmas in one room before in my life. People take coach trips for hundreds of miles to see this show. It’s going to be great!
Almost Had a Cosy Night In
I’d planned a cosy night in on Friday night as Mr LLL had a friend coming to visit. I was looking forward to it. I was going to have a nice dinner, watch some rubbish on Netflix and snuggle up with the Pugs.
In the end it didn’t quite go to plan. We decided to take Mr LLL’s friend to the pub with the Pugs first thing, which meant I got home a little later than planned and the Pugs were all twitchy as Mr LLL hadn’t come back from the pub with us and they wanted to know where he was.
Then I realised that I’d forgotten to get anything for dinner. It was gone 9pm by now so I thought I’d treat myself to a takeaway I couldn’t afford. Then I got all overwhelmed by the multitude of options and delivery times ranging up to an hour and just ordered a pizza.
I love deep-pan pizza, but deep-pan pizza does not love me. A thing I need to remind myself of occasionally by, well, ordering pizza and then feeling a bit ill.
So I watched an old episode of Jonathon Creek on Netflix (I’d forgotten Antony Stewart Head was the original Adam!) then went to bed.
I know right, a pint at the pub and a takeaway pizza, what a terrible evening *rolls eyes*
Went Out Out
Last night improved my week somewhat, as I got a bit glammed up to go and have cocktails with 2 of our best friends.
I wish I’d taken a photo of my outfit because I had the urge to wear something a bit different and glam and went out in a SHORT SKIRT AND BARE LEGS, which I very, very rarely do. It didn’t really feel like me, but maybe that was the point.
I don’t have photos of my outfit, but I do have photos of this very, very pink gin I drank in Wetherspoons as they are having a Gin Festival.

And that was another week in my life. I’m very much looking forward to as much of a chilled bank holiday weekend as a self-employed person who still has lots of work to do can manage.
How was your week?