The Vintage Tea Party Book – Did You Win It?

Welcome back!

I trust you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend?

Today I am waiting for Mat from Southern Retro to come and take my photo, so I need to get off and tidy my house so I can pretend it’s always tidy, and not normally covered with mail I haven’t got around to recycling or filing.

I do, however, have time to announce the winner of The Vintage Tea Party book giveaway.

It finished at midnight last night, and today, with the help of the trusty, comment number 6 became our lucky winner!

That means ROISIN from Dolly Clackett. It’s yooouuuu!

I’ve sent you an email Roisin and if you send me your address I shall get it in the post ASAP.

If you didn’t win you can buy a copy for £10 from Amazonor £14 (plus clubcard points) from Tesco Books.

Right, have a lovely day, I need to make myself look glamorous!

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