#janathon Day Thirty – The Sneaky Run

Sneaky run in daylight during the afternoon when I should be working?

Oh ok then, I AM self employed.

I guess my boss isn’t always so bad after all.


My regular running partner, otherwise known as my husband, isn’t expecting to finish work till 7pm, so I thought I’d sneak out in daylight and make him go on his own. Aren’t I nasty.

I set off intending to do 2 laps of the route I did last night, about 2 miles, but I couldn’t face doing laps. I hate going round and round the roads, it steals a piece of my soul and creates evil running horcruxes that will one day destroy me.

Instead I randomly ran off down a road that I had no idea where it went as I’m not familiar with these roads. I ran through housing estates that were a bit scary and it was school kicking out time so there were loud gangs of kids of the type that look like they might start shouting “Oi Fatty” or “Run, Forrest, Run” and make me feel like a stupid middle aged, slightly overweight woman in lycra pretending to be sporty.

Gemma Stats

Fortunately none of these things happened and I eventually remerged from the maze of housing estastes onto a road I recognised.

Once again I can make no sense of my pace. I would have sworn to you that I ran at a fairly consistent pace, but apparently I ran mile 2 a whole 40 seconds slower than mile 1. Who knows? My legs do feel tired and heavy. It might only have been a mile most days, but I’ve actually already clocked up more total miles than I have done in any month since I started running in May 2012, with the exception of September, when I went a bit mad, and, to be honest, my legs felt exactly the same way that month too. This probably means that if I’m going to continue picking up my mileage I’m going to need to do some reading.

It’s a windy day, I didn’t deliberately do this with my hair.


Tonight I am going to be eating dinner at Wetherspoons. I am having a vegetarian day today, which means I can either go for the 5% fat options of 5 bean chilli or Sweet chilli noodles, or I might go with the Superfood wholewheat pesto pasta.

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2 replies on “#janathon Day Thirty – The Sneaky Run”
    1. says: Lady Lipstick

      Having already put my make up on for the day and not taking it off to go out helps with that! It’s amazing how resilient L’oreal mineral foundation is!

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