Company Style Blogger Awards

On Wednesday night it was the awards ceremony of the Company Style Blogger Awards.

I did mention it briefly on the blog on the day that I was switching servers back in January, but I didn’t make much of a noise about it, so you might not have known I was nominated!

There was a whole “We Love Vintage” category, and a few other lovely bloggers I know were nominated in that category. The awards were sponsored by Banrock Station Wines and Pink Pigeon Rum, so, y’know, I thought it might be worth popping along…..

Pink Pigeon rum comes in very cool looking bottle. Personally I am firmly of the opinion that cool looking bottles improve the taste of a drink.

The Mauritius Mules they made for us were delicious, here’s Margaret from Penny Dreadful stealing sharing mine.

The only decent photo of my outfit I have is one Company took of me when I arrived. I still had my hat and coat on, but never mind! Mine is one of a selection of photos in the Gallery that don’t have a caption saying who I am, which suggests to me that they don’t have a clue, but never mind!

❤Dress - Heyday ❤ Coat - 1940s Faux Fur from Penny Dreadful Vintage ❤
❤ Shoes - Stylist Pick ❤

I was also pleased to finally meet Florrie from Intrinsically Florrie who’s blog has been on my reader for years. Attempting to look serious and glam, failing miserably.

I didn’t win my category, sadly, neither did Margaret from Penny Dreadful or (who my money was on) Fleur from Diary of a Vintage Girl. Instead the winner was What Katie Wore, a hugely popular blog (though I must confess not one I read *oops*), but also a blog that shut up shop on 10th January this year.


Maybe next year is our year!?

(L-R Fleur, Margaret, Me!)


9 replies on “Company Style Blogger Awards”
  1. says: Lena

    I did struggle to take these awards seriously, given they had nominated lots of blogs that had either been shut down or inactive for months on end. But you looked totally fab and hey free booze!x

  2. says: Sandy

    I like that last pic of the three of you. Hope you all did those faces when the wiwnner was announced! Heh!

  3. says: Charlotte

    Yep, a good time was had by all! Kind of think that a defunct blog winning was a little bit of a scandal (not to mention a gaffe on the PR front, since clearly the entire motive behind the awards was as a publicity drive – and they’re not going to get publicity from a closed blog!), but we all know who the real winners in the vintage category are!

    xx Charlotte
    Tuppence Ha’penny Vintage

  4. says: Sorcha

    Hmmm. I must admit to feeling cynical about the result. ‘What Katie Wore’ – individual and quirky clever got rather boring after seven posts.

    Let’s face facts, the blog is defunct so I say FOUL PLAY! Yes, you was robbed.

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