Home Fashion & Beauty The Eye of the, Er, Leopard
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The Eye of the, Er, Leopard

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There are many things I love about Winter.

I love dark evenings when the Christmas lights twinkle, snuggling under a blanket and drinking hot chocolate, pubs and bars that sell mulled wine to warm your hands on and frost sparkling on cars.

One thing I don’t love is that despite having a fancy camera I have never yet figured out how to take a decent outfit photo in indoor lighting, thus meaning everytime I want to take an outfit photo in the evening I look orange and blurry.

Oh well, one day I’ll figure it out. Till then, here’s a slightly orange and blurry photo of what I wore to go to Bo Nanafana on Saturday night where Imelda May was performing.


♥ Dress – New Look ♥ Seamed Tights – What Katie Did ♥ Leopard Print Shoes – Dune* ♥
♥ Belt- eBay ♥ Brooch & Earrings – Antique Shop ♥

The one thing you can really do with those super slinky midi dresses is wear stockings and suspenders, so I went with What Katie Did seamed tights and the M&S control underwear from this post.

I was most chuffed with my hair this evening. I do this hair style quite a lot when my hair gets longer (I never get it cut frequently enough!) but this time it went particularly well and it was done in under 10 minutes. I’ve been asked for a tutorial, so I’ll have a go and see what I can do, though I do wing it a bit and I’m fairly sure that if I point a camera at me doing it then I will instantly be incapable!

By the way, it has not escaped my attention that I have a stupid “bright and perky” face on in all these photos. I don’t know why, it wasn’t intentional, I was obviously just feeling bright and perky, which is a rare occurence and one to be treasured.

I decided a touch of leopard print was in order in honour of the occasion, so I wore my leopard print Dune shoes. Surprisingly they weren’t too uncomfortable for most of the night, till I woke up the next day with burning feet, ouchy! I have a leopard brooch as well, or maybe it’s a tiger? Who knows, either way it seemed to fit the jungle idea, so I wore that too, it’s pulling my dress slightly in these photos, so I adjusted it before I went out.

And the rest of the night? I didn’t take the fancy camera, and I was too far back to get decent photos of Imelda May, but a fabulous evening was had by all. Bo Nanafana nights are always a riot, with so much entertainment outside of the main headline act, that it doesn’t really even matter who they are most times! There was cabaret and comedy, lots of stupid dancing and plenty of beer.

There were also sparkly cherries, which I was quite fond of.

Much of my time at the moment is being taken up with hunting down prizes and organising another super, mega, amazing /*Insert adjective here*/ Advent Calendar giveaway like last years. There are some cracking prizes on their way, I promise, and like last year I will be sending out daily emails to tell you what’s behind each door so you don’t forget to enter. So, if you want to be on that mailing list, then you can sign up here!

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