This Week I……

Happy Easter!

As you read this I am probably just about finishing the Trowse 10k, because that’s the kind of thing I like to do on an Easter Sunday, run 10k in the rain.

If it’s after 12, then hopefully I am in the pub. So I hope you are all having equally productive Easters and making the most of the 4 day weekend.

Just in case you need some entertaining I am posting today. After all, I wouldn’t want to leave you thinking, “Hey, what the hell did Retro Chick do this week?”

So, this week I…..

Went to see Deadpool

It’s awesome, he’s my new favourite (not a) Superhero. If you haven’t seen it, go, as long as you’re not easily offended. It’s rude, but witty, and I loved it. I also loved eating hot dogs and drinking buckets of diet coke, it feels like forever since I went to the Cinema.

After the film we couldn’t decide what to do. We could have gone out for dinner like grown ups, but instead we popped into the arcade at the bowling alley where I spent far too much money *not* winning a furry Minion in a claw grab machine while Mr Chick got us enough tokens for not one, but THREE Minion pencil cases, which is obviously something we desperately needed in our lives.


Got Hot Water

Ok, so there’s an ongoing saga with our boiler, in that we turn the heating or hot water on and then we have to run upstairs and repeatedly hit reset before the flame finally catches. So we called a Gas Engineer, who came out and said it needed a part, which he ordered.

Then another engineer came, didn’t fit the part, but said we had another problem and the reason our water never got very hot was we needed another part. Which he ordered.

Then a third Engineer came back and installed that part and now we have water so hot that for the first time in 3 years I need to use the cold water tap when I run a bath.

However, we still have to run upstairs and reset the boiler before we can get it. So the third Engineer came back again, and said we need a part, which he ordered. Possibly the same part as the first guy said we needed.

All being well by the middle of next week we might have hot water on demand. I’m quite excited. I’ll keep you updated!

Celebrated the Arrival of Spring

With cake and tulips.

Sometimes the only thing that will cheer you up is cake and tulips.

Took a Day Off

IT WAS GOOD FRIDAY! Did you notice I didn’t post? I meant to get something ready in advance, but I didn’t get time as other work things were a bit crazy, and instead of obsessing about it and desperately trying to think of something to write in the morning I took the WHOLE DAY off.

We went into town where we had tea at Harriets Tea Rooms with silver tea pots and strainers and generally felt a bit fancy.


We also ate Hot Cross Buns, because, Good Friday.


Bought Easter Tat

Because its Easter we also bought Easter themed bath bombs and egg-shaped lights from the pound shop, because what I really need in my house is more tat. No really, I do.


Played Roller Derby

Of course I did! This week was our Intraleague Sur5al tournament. Sur5al is a slightly different tournament. Teams are made up of just 5 players, our version had 8 teams, and they all play each other twice. You get points for a win or a draw, and a bonus point if your team gets lead jammer. At the end, the team with the most points wins.

It’s a really interesting tournament to watch (if you like Roller Derby!) because all jams last for a full 2 minutes, so tactics can be a bit different to a normal game and teams play with different strategies.

Anyway, my team, the Blockwork Oranges, came third. Whoop!


And that, for those of you who made it this far without dying of boredom whilst I told you how I bought bathbombs, was my week.

I absolutely insist you all have a fabulous Easter, and I’ll be back with something more interesting (possibly) next week.


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