This Week I….

Oh, Hi there!

Fancy seeing you today! Did you miss me last week? Those of you who care might have noticed that there was no This Week I…. last Sunday. The reason was 2-fold. First, last week was very boring. Nothing happened except that the lady from the Post Office randomly gave me a marrow. That doesn’t normally stop me telling you about it in many words of course. However this week, I was also away for the Bank Holiday weekend camping and I decided I could probably stand not to be trying to use flaky 4G to write a blog post in the middle of the woods.

As it happens while you read this I will be scooting off to yet another Roller Derby game. Today we have a training game against Oxford and we’re taking the opportunity to pop in on some friends who live nearby (well, they live 60 miles away, but that’s closer than the 200 miles it is from here).

But anyway, more about that next week. In the mean time, this week I….

Had Meatballs

I never take a trip down south without taking the opportunity to pop into Ikea and order meatballs. On this occasion I actually tried their veggie balls, they were different than I expected, I think I thought they would be quorn based, or the vegetables would be all mushed up, but they weren’t, there were lumps of corn in them. Still, they were very tasty, and let’s face it, mostly an excuse for cream sauce and ligonberry jam.

Cooked over a Fire

I’m srsly proud of this. I felt like Daniel Boone or something. I prepared veggie sausages and chilli beans with jacket potato in an exciting tripod pot over an actual camp fire.

We may have cheated slightly and microwaved the potatoes before we left home, but it was still very cool.

Got mobbed by Ducks

This isn’t going to be my only brush with wildlife this weekend. Wildlife en masse freaks me out a bit. I think it’s ganging up on me. The ducks at Bodiam Castle, were, I think, mostly interested in my cheese and onion crisps. I still got freaked out by their total lack of fear and acknowledgement of my natural superiority over the lower species. So I went and sat and ate my sandwich on my own while all my far braver friends made friends with ducks and fed them sandwiches.

Played Glow in the Dark Bowling

This was actually really good fun. The Saucy Fish Co have created a great night time bowling party game and they kindly sent me all the stuff to play it. If you want to play, it’s not hard! You need some glow sticks, 6 bottles of water and some fairy lights to make the lane. Fill a sock with rice to make a bowling ball, and then try and knock over the water bottles. All the instructions are in this video.

We had an elaborate scoring system. I didn’t, but I didn’t lose either and it was great fun. As a bonus you can make crowns and bracelets out of the remaining glow sticks and spend the rest of the evening looking like you are at an early 90s rave.

Got Freaked out by a Fox

It came in our campsite and actually went inside a tent because it could smell left over food.

We moved the food outside and let it have it but once again I was concerned by it’s obvious lack of acknowledgement of the superiority of human beings as it boldly strolled in to steal our food. I spent the night convinced I was going to wake up to a fox chewing my face off. Obviously I didn’t or last weeks outfit post would have looked quite different.

Went out for Cocktails

Hasn’t happened as much as I’d like recently due to lack of funds. These cocktails were part of Wednesday nights celebrations and I very much enjoyed it. Think of it as a bit of a warm up for Cocktail Week when it will be COCKTAILS EVERY NIGHT.

Didn’t buy a hat

See, this weekend is going massively downhill from the meatballs and glow in the dark bowling. I went into town, I still have money on a gift card. I saw a hat. I decided I probably wouldn’t wear the hat often enough so I didn’t buy it.

Great story, huh?

Nearly broke my collar bone

Just to finish off the week in an exciting way, I will leave you with a tale that perfectly demonstrates why I probably shouldn’t be allowed to go anywhere unsupervised.

I went to the gym, as I often do, and finished my session with dumbbell bench press. I strode confidently to the dumbbell rack and picked up two 14kg weights. I managed my first set of 10, and my second set, but I wondered why my right arm felt so much weaker than my left.

During my third set I managed 3 reps before my right arm kind of collapsed and the weight came crashing down on my collar bone (which isn’t broken, but it hurts.)

I was confused, I took a break and managed to do 2 more sets, one of 7, and one of 6 reps. I couldn’t complete the whole 10 because my right arm felt so weak.

Confused and perturbed I put the weights on the floor ends up rather than flat as I had between sets.

When I looked down at them this is what I saw.

Yep, I picked up mis-matched weights. That’s a whole extra 4.5lb on my right arm, which is now hench AF.

I think the bloke near me knew I’d done it as he was looking at me funny. I put the weights back quick and snuck away.

And that was an exciting week in my life!

How was your week?

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