It’s been 3 years since I last ran the Trowse 10k. Coinciding, I would guess, with the time that they moved the run from Easter weekend in Spring, to Halloween weekend in October, as I’ve often had other engagements that weekend.
This year, though, I was really looking forward to running it. Although I haven’t exactly followed a training plan, this would actually be my second 10k in October, so for once I almost felt prepared for a race!
Unlike Marriotts Way back at the start of October this weekend dawned bright, clear and a bit cold. Pretty much perfect conditions for a nice morning run.
After walking the dogs I did decide that my initial outfit plan of a nice light windproof jacket and vest might be too cold, but I couldn’t find any of my long sleeve running jackets. Finally I located one, stuffed down the back of the sofa and slightly stinky. I suspect I wore it out on my last run, took it off when I got home and it then slid down the back of the sofa cushions. I wore it anyway as I decided I’d rather be stinky than cold, and by the end of the 10k I was probably going to be stinky anyway, so sorry to anyone that smelled me!
Race numbers need to be collected on the day at Trowse before 8:45. We arrived about 8:20 to see a huge queue for numbers going all the way down the stairs and out of the building. I immediately panicked and thought I’d never get my number in time, but actually the queue was swiftly moving and we were up, numbers collected and back outside in time for me to join another queue for the portaloos well before 8:45.

The start of the race was slightly delayed, which has happened before, but by 9:15 we were all off, huffing and puffing our way around Whitlingham Broad before heading off the brave the hill through Trowse village.
So how did the run go? Well, in 2019 I am probably in the worst running shape I have ever been, so I wasn’t expecting to get anywhere near my 2016 time of 1:00:49. My last couple of 10ks have been closer to the 1:11:00 mark, and I did a beautiful flat run in 1:06:00 ish back in May, so really I was just hoping to finish feeling strong.
I promised myself I could walk up the hill between the bollards at the bottom until I could see the Marshall at the top. This is a good psychological ploy for me as it keeps me going as I know a break is coming soon.

On our second lap there was a rather nice chap and his son handing out jelly beans “for the hill” which was much appreciated. I’d been running for about the last 3k with the same 3 or 4 people around me. As I hit my walk break they kept running, while I slowed to a walk and lost them.
I was feeling pretty good as I hit the top with that last 2k to go. On the last long downhill sweep I not only caught up with, but overtook, all of the people I’d been running with at the start of the hill, so it was probably a good time strategy for me too!

A quick check of my watch and a few mental calculations made me realise I could do this one in under 1:05:00, which would make it my best 10k in 2019, so I tried to put on a little burst of speed as I headed down the last half kilometre.
My final chip time had been sent to me by text before I’d even finished picking up my medal and goodie bag (full of chocolate again, thanks!) and I came in at 1:04:49. I am actually really pleased with that as a time. I felt good and strong when I finished and it’s my best so far this year, a quick look back at my posts from 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016, tell me it’s actually my slowest Trowse time, but things change and it’s been a funny old year, so I’m still pleased!
Hopefully it’ll be the start of some more strong runs, as I’ve just foolishly signed up to run a Half Marathon in February next year. I have over 3 months to train, it’ll be fine……..

Congratulations Gemma! As always, am so impressed with your determination!
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