Happy 2011!

Or not?

Once again it’s that time of year when I am harshly reminded that not everyone elseย  spends their time scouring the calendar for potential excuses for a party and that the prospect of forced jollity can turn the loveliest of fun loving people into a grinchy old scrooge. If you hate it, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Just look at some of the faces in this 1939 photo, especially the woman at the back on the left…. Terrifying.

I hope that whatever you do tonight you will have a fabulous time.

And if you don’t, then don’t hold it against poor old innocent New Years Eve! It’s just a day, an excuse to let go. If your evening is ruined then blame greedy bar owners, poor transport, crappy weather or the kind of idiots that think it’s fun to get drunk and hit people.

I still have a cold, but the warmth of tonights Hawaiian Summer will no doubt warm me up, and I have bought hawaiian floral knickers to wear under my sarong dress against risk of flashing so a-partying I will go. I’ve even recorded From Here to Eternity to watch this afternoon to get me in the mood.

Oh yes, and while you’re here if you’re not already a fan on Facebook, you should go and just click that little “like” button for me! I have become mildly obsessed with the idea of ending 2010 with 2010 fans and I need just 12 more!

I shall save you from any more random ramblings by leaving you with some vintage New Years Eve pictures, and this time there’s no terrifying Santa mask. I shall be back in the New Year with another exciting giveaway, some reviews and more random nonsense I expect.

In the mean time


9 replies on “Happy 2011!”
  1. says: Jesica

    Wait a minute! Is that girl of the back is real? or…something scary? I have seen many ghostly pictures like those.Either way, have a Happy New Year. May all your goals come true and I wish happiness for you and your family.

  2. says: Perdita

    Happy New Year! That last picture reminds me why I am having to re-make my annual resolution to host parties at my flat (or maybe buy a dishwasher). I’ll happily crack open the bubbly, G&T or even a tinny to celebrate anything, so must infuriate non-party folk. Ah well, work hard, play harder as they say!! ๐Ÿ™‚

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