Home Dear Diary Happy Christmas Eve Eve!
Dear Diary

Happy Christmas Eve Eve!

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Whee! I love Christmas, and it starts at lunch time on Christmas Eve as far as I’m concerned.

From tomorrow onwards it’s all self indulgence, soppy Christmas movies, drinking, eating and relaxation.

I’m kicking off the fun with a trip to Cinema City to watch It’s a Wonderful Life on the big screen, then I imagine there’ll be mince pies and an open fire and mulled wine.

Earlier this week I was lucky enough to be in Birmingham while their German Christmas Market was on, so I’m all stocked up on weird flavoured marshmallows and ginormous tankards to drink mulled wine from. Here I am, looking cold with some warming gluhwein.


Mr Chicks parents are in Scotland, and mine work Christmas Day, so Christmas Day for us is a day of glorious laziness. We watch terrible Christmas TV, drink random Christmas drinks (Baileys & Tia Maria in the same glass anyone?) eat as much food as we can fit in and maybe go for a little light walk late afternoon before Doctor Who.

How do you spend your Christmas Day?

Is it like an American film with 4 generations all gathered together for an elaborate Christmas lunch? Do you order Indian Takeaways and watch Eastenders? Or do you not celebrate Christmas, and therefore 25th December is merely an irritating blip in your ability to receive mail in a timely fashion and pop to the shop for a pint of milk?

However you celebrate I hope you all have a fabulous weekend, and I’ll see you you back here when you get bored later on. There’s years worth of old posts to go through…..


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