Dress With Style – Or Why I Treat my Wardrobe Like a Dressing Up Box
byA clear out is under way. Between Christmas and New Year saw the commencement of phase one of operation “OMG there is so much…
A clear out is under way. Between Christmas and New Year saw the commencement of phase one of operation “OMG there is so much…
Well hello there! How was your Christmas Day? I hope you are all still wallowing in a world where it’s ok to drink booze…
When I was little I loved to read. I would read the back of cereal packets, road signs (even when we went to France…
Sometimes you just really need to take a break. This post seemed particularly relevant today, seeing as I know a lot of people who…
I have decided that Halloween will last a whole week. I plan to spend it wearing all the Halloween items in my wardrobe. Fortunately…
I’m terrible at dealing with change. Apparently I’m supposed to have some sort of 5 year plan that sees me living in a bigger…
Hey! Welcome to August! For those of you that weren’t paying attention, in July I set myself a challenge. I’ve always believed that “glamour”…
Oooh #GlamorousJuly is just 2 days away from being over. Life is going to seem weird without a daily challenge that involves me doing…
Well, howdy Glamorous folks! It’s hard to be glamorous when it’s a bajillion degrees outside, but I’ve been doing my best! 2016 is turning…