Category: Food & Drink

Foraging Around

I have lots and lots of posts, all backing up that I will be writing soon, including a very stern and scientifically rigorous investigation into what is the best breakfast to have in a hotel room, a review of some…

Pink Hair and British Tapas

For weeks now I’ve had a tube of Raspberry hair dye eyeing me from the bathroom shelf. I bought some Schwarzkopf Raspberry Rebel on an impulse. Then chickened out after dire warnings on Facebook that it would never wash out…

P-P-Protein Power

One of my health goals for this year was to improve my diet, and in particular eat more protein, less fat and be more organised with eating around my exercise sessions. I’d never thought of using protein supplements to do…

Breakfast in Mexico

It’s rainy, dreary, grey and windy. Welcome to Monday. And Saturday and Sunday for that matter. On Saturday I decided grey and dreary needed perking up and the only was to pretend I was on holiday in Mexico for an…

Cocktails with Bettie Page

Last night I took my new dress out for cocktails. Ever since I came back from Las Vegas it’s been hung on the back of my bedroom door eyeing me reproachfully. “I don’t care about your coughing and spluttering” it…