January 21, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Dear Diary

This Week I……

Happy Easter! As you read this I am probably just about finishing the Trowse 10k, because that’s the kind of thing I like to do on an Easter Sunday, run 10k in the rain. If it’s after 12, then hopefully I am in the pub. So I hope you are all having equally productive Easters

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Dear Diary

This Week I……

Well hello and a very happy Sunday to all of you! It’s 10am and I’m actually writing this in bed, which feels very lazy, but that’s what Sundays are for (unless you work at the weekends, then maybe that’s what Thursdays are for, make the most of them.) I am planning to get up and

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Dear Diary

Answers to Some Random Questions About Me

Back in February I got nominated for an award. No, it wasn’t an Oscar, it was a beauty blogger award from The Good, The Fab and the Lovely. Now, I don’t often remember to take part in these things, but today, seeing as I am still a bit poorly and feeling sorry for myself, it

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Dear Diary

This Week I……

Hello Sunday! I’m not feeling on top of the world today. I’m not sick. Yet. I just feel like rubbish. All my team mates ARE sick so my white blood cells are probably in the middle of an epic battle right now which will either result in me feeling fine by next week, or spending

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Dear Diary

Things I tried in February

We’re a week into March already, so obviously it’s snowing and freezing cold and I really resent any outside exercise at all. I meant to post this last week, but, well, I just didn’t ok. So a week into March, here are a few things that I tried out in February and would highly recommend.

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Dear Diary

This Week I…..

Happy Mothers Day! That’s aimed directly at my Mum, who may or may not read this today, but also to anyone else who should be having a Happy Mothers Day. To the rest of you I hope you just have a Happy Day, not being a Mother certainly shouldn’t exclude you from a Happy Day!

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Dear Diary

Dear Diary: February 2016

Februarys been a weird old month. I’ve been focusing really hard on work, and had a couple of (lovely) weekends away, so I’ve just been treading water with everything else, keeping myself ticking over till I can set my fitness goals March 2016. Mostly I feel pretty positive. I’m feeling strong, and ready to start

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Dear Diary

This Week I….

Well hello there! Welcome to another Sunday catch up on my exciting life. I write myself little notes through the week so that on Sunday I can just turn them into a blog post, and every week I end up reading my notes and wondering how that can possibly have only been a week ago.

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Dear Diary

This Week I

Can you believe it was Valentines Day only a week ago? Last week I told you that I had plans for Valentines Day that involved trekking through mud, and that’s exactly what I did! This week has seemed weirdly long, so when I started thinking about what I did this week I was surprised to

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