January 21, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
Dear Diary

Keep Your Eyes Peeled…

Today I thought I’d share with you a few things you might not have seen. By seen, I mean read, on your internet travails. I participate in Independent Fashion Bloggers Links à la Mode each week, bringing you some lovely linkage from the blogosphere. But sometimes I read things that I want others to see,

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Dear Diary

Happy Easter!

Well, it’s Good Friday. I’m away on a little mini break, and I hereby give you permission to spend the whole weekend eating Hot Cross Buns and chocolate. It’s also the Oxford v Cambridge Boat Race tomorrow, which is always an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon. I suggest you watch it and randomly pick

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Dear Diary

Lovely Awards from Lovely Bloggers

I’ve been given three awards recently by other bloggers, so I thought it would be nice to throw my own little awards ceremony. Behold my superior photo shop skills. (You’d never know it wasn’t real, right?) Firstly The Maddy Chronicles has passed on this award. Secondly both Rhona from Rose Tinted Uncertainty and Karen from

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Dear Diary

Stocking the Bookshelves (and the cocktail cabinet)

I spend as much of my spare time as possibly ransacking Boot Fairs and Charity Shops. Normally I merely scan the Bric-a-Brac and books, just in case, before moving on to a good rummage through the clothes racks. I occasionally pick up a new novel, but not much in the way of exciting new additions

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Dear Diary

Vintage Fun In The Sun – The First Vintage at Goodwood Festival

You’ll notice I mention fun in the sun in the title of this post. That is because I remain convinced that there must be some kind of cosmic balance that will result in the most perfect British Summer, starting somewhere around, oooh, now, and ending at the end of September. This will be our payback

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Dear Diary

Tom Binns for Disney Couture

Lovely as it was to see Alice in Wonderland on Friday, the reason I was there was not to review the film. It was for the Tom Binns for Disney Couture jewellery collection. Before the film there was a nice little mingling area set up with drinks and snacks. Journalists, buyers and bloggers were present

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Dear Diary

Love & Lust with The Bridewell Collective

Well, it’s been a busy weekend here at camp Retro Chick. On Friday night it was the second event organised by The Bridewell Collective at Lady Lucks Boutique in Bridewell Alley. The first, in December was a vintage hair styling demo, this time around the focus was on love and lust in honour of Valentines

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Dear Diary

Event Alert – The Bridewell Collective Love & Lust Special

Short of things to do Valentines weekend? The Bridewell Collective is holding it’s second fantastic event on Friday 12th February at 14-16 Bridewell Alley in Norwich. The first was back in December and featured a vintage hair styling demo from Flamingo Amy. It was amazingly useful and full of fantastic people, despite the snow. This

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Dear Diary

A Few of my Favourite Things

I’ve been feeling a bit down on my house lately. I live in a rented place, so sometimes it’s a bit hard to put your stamp on it. You don’t want to do anything too permanent to a place that isn’t yours. I need to replace a lot of my furniture and sometimes it’s easy

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