Tag: janathon

  • #Janathon Day Fourteen – The Day I Missed the Snow

    #Janathon Day Fourteen – The Day I Missed the Snow

    Well, that’s week two over! It’s been touch and go at times, but I’ve done at least a mile a day, which is what I promised myself. Miles Run: 21.5 miles Average Pace:9’24″/mi Excuses Overcome: 14 Today was a bit tough. I love snow. I really do, at least when it’s freshly fallen and crisp,…

  • #janathon Day Thirteen

    #janathon Day Thirteen

    I thought I might do another decent distance today, but instead we decided to take a long walk in the morning, and a short speedy run this afternoon. We walked into town, had a coffee and took a long meander home, walking about 5 miles in all. It was snowing lightly, or rather very light…

  • #janathon Day Twelve – A decent run!

    #janathon Day Twelve – A decent run!

    I DID IT! I met a friend for coffee in the morning, and then I came home and I actually found the time and motivation to go out for a decent run. Today is ICY cold, so leaving the house was hard, but after that I love running in the cold. I wore gloves as…

  • #janathon Day Eleven

    #janathon Day Eleven

    Friiiiiddaaaaayyy! Yay! It’s Friday! So what better than a speedy Friday night run in the freezing cold. Long leggings are definitely in order. I got these from TK Maxx, I have 2 pairs, now if it stays this cold I’ll doing a lot of washing. Pace was a bit wobbly today, I thought I was…

  • #janathon Day 10 – Freezing Rain

    #janathon Day 10 – Freezing Rain

    Well, we’re a third of the way through. Today I really thought might be the day I cracked and didn’t make it out. Long day, long drive, meeting a friend, big dinner and a pint of beer as I forgot about the running, then another hour drive home to find a light mist of freezing…

  • #janathon Day 9

    #janathon Day 9

    I’m trying to pretend I’m learning some valuable lessons here, and maybe I am, but really it just feels like I’m running a mile every day, really quickly, rather than a longer slower run 3 times a week. Is this a good thing? I am certainly overcoming objections, and maybe going out for a short…

  • #janathon Day 8 – Running in the Rain

    #janathon Day 8 – Running in the Rain

    Oh, it’s not nice weather out there this evening. Normally the kind of cold, clinging, fine rain that would make me put my run off till tomorrow when it’s less likely to kill my iPhone. 2 things got me out there today. One is my total bloody mindedness. I have said I am running at…

  • #Janathon – Week One

    #Janathon – Week One

    Well, that’s a week done, and a weeks worth of excuses overcome. Miles Run: 10.6 miles Average Pace:9’29″/mi Excuses Overcome: 7 I’ve only done 10.6 miles in the first 7 days, but so far the excuses to not run I’ve overcome include 2 hangovers 3 long drives, one incidence of an achy calf and one…

  • #janathon Day 6 – The Hangover

    #janathon Day 6 – The Hangover

    Sigh. Today I had planned to do a 5k. However last night I inadvertantly went out and drank all the beer, so when I woke up this morning I felt groggy, dehydrated, and disinclined to head out for a healthful run, so instead I stayed in bed and drank 2 cups of coffee. Just as…